Posted on in Health Conditions - C, Health Conditions - P, Pain, Pain Australia, Support for Patients and Carers - C, Support for Patients and Carers - P
Who Does Pain Affect? – Pain Australia
Who Does Pain Affect? – Pain Australia
Common Forms of Pain – Pain Australia
What is Chronic Pain? – Pain Australia
Treatments – Chronic Pain Australia
National Pain Survey – Chronic Pain Australia
Caring for someone with chronic pain – Chronic Pain Australia
Are you expecting, or have just had a baby? Check out this Government resource on what to expect, risk factors, support and a wealth of other information to help you through your Pregnancy, Birth and looking after a baby. Provided by Department of Health, Australia. Pregnancy, Baby & Birth – Department of Health
PTSD – The Black Dog Institute
Pregnancy is hard, and so is being a new parent. If its getting too much, its okay to seek help. Here is a great resource from Beyond Blue, to help you take the first step. Pregnancy & New Parents – Beyond Blue
What is Pain? – Pain Australia
Gestational Diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy. Find out more about how to manage your diabetes for both you and your family. Gestational Diabetes – Diabetes Australia
Lived experience series – Chronic Pain Australia
What is pain? – Chronic Pain Australia
Health Information Planning for a pregnancy is an exciting time. To improve your chances of success, both partners need to look after their health and live a healthy lifestyle.
Health Information Pain is an unpleasant physical or emotional sensation aimed to prevent further injury or harm. Pain can be acute (lasts a short time) caused by an injury, strain or sprain or headache, or chronic which is persistent and ongoing.