Posted on in Diabetes, Diabetes Australia, Health Conditions - D, Obesity, Support for Patients and Carers - D
Exercise and diabetes – Diabetes Australia
Exercise and diabetes – Diabetes Australia
Eating well – Diabetes Australia
Pre-Diabetes – Diabetes Australia
Diabetes type 2 – Diabetes Australia
Diabetes type 1 – Diabetes Australia
Depression – Beyond BlueDepression – The Black Dog Institute
Health Information Vomiting and diarrhoea cause the loss of body fluids and can result in dehydration. There are many causes, for example, microbes in the stomach can cause gastroenteritis. The symptoms of gastroenteritis include vomiting and diarrhoea. These symptoms can also be caused by a reaction to particular medicines or medical conditions. Here are some easy treatment options for you.
Health Information Dry eyes are caused when there is not enough protective, lubricating liquid (‘tears’), or the lubricating liquid does not work properly. Dry eyes occur more commonly as people get older.
Health Information Eczema causes the skin to become inflamed and itchy, and is also known as atopic dermatitis. It can occur at any age, but is most common among children, although most grow out of it by their teenage years.